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Non Executive Director (NED)

A non-executive director (NED) is a member of the board of directors of a company or organisation who does not get involved with the day to day running of the detail business. A non executive director is not an employee of the company and will usually only commit one or two days a month to the company as an independent advisor or subject matter expert. 


The non executive director works along side the executive team to facilitate the strategic decision-making process and give core direction on a particular subject.


Non-executive directors are generally appointed to bring to the board:


  • Independence

  • Impartiality

  • Wide experience

  • Specialist knowledge

  • Personal qualities


Exactly what the role entails will vary depending on what is required at each stage of a company’s development.

As well as providing additional skills, expertise and perspective, the appointment of non executive directors is an effective means of balancing interests in the boardroom. Non-executive directors bring a level of independence and detachment to discussions.


If you are interested in working together and asking me to join your organsiaiton as an NED, please do not hesitate to contact me. As an Interim Manager I am in an ideal position to commit to a small number of days per month to support your business.

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Registered in England and Wales

Company Number: 9172818

VAT Reg Number: 194 0724 02


Hampshire Chamber of Commerce
Institute of Interim Management
John Pounds Centre
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